For April Fool's Day 2017 Lyft built a functioning wearable. A retro-futuristic glove that could sync with your phone's app and order a ride for you when you raised your thumb as if hitching a ride.
We partnered with Framestore in LA to produce the video. I worked closely with Fernando Cardenas as on-set post supervisor. When we were done, I edited, animated (2d & 3d), composited, and graded the whole show.
I also worked closely with Mark Teater to provide content for the companion promo site.
Selected Works
Lucid MotorsProject type
Lyft: Glow - HardwareProject type
Lyft: Glow - In AppProject type
Lyft: Brand RefreshProject type
LyftUpProject type
Lyft IPOProject type
Lyft DirectProject type
Lyft: Destination-OaklandProject type
Lyft: Horror Movie ModeProject type
Lyft: Game DayProject type
Lyft: Boss TacoProject type
Bosch: Driverless UXProject type
After EarthProject type
Cisco: Connect to the FutureProject type
Autodesk: Accelerating Better DesignProject type
YamJam 2012Project type