At the tail end of 2019 a last minute project popped up that has since turned into one of my favorites. Lyft was rebranding it's philanthropic efforts under the name LyftUp. A logo had been designed and they needed an animated version as a .gif to live in the app. I asked to talk to the dev who was going to be building it into the app, not just to get the specs, but also to try and upsell them on trying to do the animation in app via Bodymovin and Lottie.
They went for it.
It started off as a renaming of the former Round Up & Donate program but has since gone on to include numerous other initiatives and has become one of the leading sub-brands of lyfts marketing efforts.
Partnership with Lebron James Uninterrupted
Selected Works
Lucid MotorsProject type
Lyft: Glow - HardwareProject type
Lyft: Glow - In AppProject type
Lyft: Brand RefreshProject type
Lyft IPOProject type
Lyft DirectProject type
Lyft MONOProject type
Lyft: Destination-OaklandProject type
Lyft: Horror Movie ModeProject type
Lyft: Game DayProject type
Lyft: Boss TacoProject type
Bosch: Driverless UXProject type
After EarthProject type
Cisco: Connect to the FutureProject type
Autodesk: Accelerating Better DesignProject type
YamJam 2012Project type